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(Sweet Tooth Auto)

In:70-80 days (400gr/m2)

Out:10 weeks (50-120gr/plant)




This hybrid of the legendary Sweet Tooth has been crossed with a Rudelaris of Indica descent, which results in a high yielding, compact plant. Although it is small,about 50cm, the production of buds is almost immediate and its yield is very highin relation to its size, producing up to 200g per plant in optimal conditions!

Sweety Auto (25 Seed)

  • W.G.F.T ( Weed Guardians Family Tree) products are for novelty purposes. W.G.F.T fully complies with Federal and State Legislation. As a customer of W.G.F.T you agree to do the same. Should you fail to comply, W.G.F.T will not be held responsible. All products on the W.G.F.T site or business contain ZERO (0.00%) THC

©2025 WeedGuardiansFamilyTree Llc (W.G.F.T) Proudly involved Since 2003/ Los Angeles,CA - Boulder,CO - Las Vegas,NV - United States / 1-(888)-502-2323

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